Sunday, March 19, 2006

Half cup lace Bra and Thong , dusty blue

Her, skimpy, dusty blue thong barely covered my hand as my fingers slid ever so easily into her. Just delicious!!!!!!!!! I murmured as she rolled my nipple between her fingers.

Dusty blue half cup lace bra and thong3


Plunge front Thong and black Bra

Soft sexy and black, I love her in undies like this, smooth and creamy, Mmmmmmmmmmmeow

Plunge front thong and black bra


Pale Green Corset and Tight Panties

I can feel my thigh pressing into the back of my hand, through her tight green panties, as she rubs and grinds my body with her green corset. Heaven!
pale green corset
